Sunday, September 16, 2012

Race 1: The Pumpkin Race

"Ladies and Gentleman! The first race in 12-12-12 Series is, drumroll please, The 4th Annual Pumpkin Run!"
The Pumpkin Run

We are off! The first race in the 12 Months-12 Races-12 Friends is the 4th Annual Pumpkin Run in Columbia City on October 13, 2012. The Pumpkin Run is all about honoring the memory of a loved one.  I have decided to sign-up for the walk because it has been forever since my tennis shoes hit the pavement. My goal is to run (jog) the October race. I am easing my way back into running.

Here is the link with information and registration:

I hope some of you out there will be able to make it to the race. Better, yet, bring a friend along with you!

Scout will be making the announcement for the November Race soon!

Side note: You can honor the memory of your loved one with a commemorative sign in the pumpkin patch and/or having his/her name put on your race shirt sleeve. All proceeds go to Parkview Whitley Hospice.

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited for this race! Ginger the cat wants to send this message to Scout: "Hey you are crazy to wear shoes! I tried kitten mittens and hated them. Best of luck to you! Ginger will be catnapping during the race.
