Sunday, September 16, 2012

Race 1: The Pumpkin Race

"Ladies and Gentleman! The first race in 12-12-12 Series is, drumroll please, The 4th Annual Pumpkin Run!"
The Pumpkin Run

We are off! The first race in the 12 Months-12 Races-12 Friends is the 4th Annual Pumpkin Run in Columbia City on October 13, 2012. The Pumpkin Run is all about honoring the memory of a loved one.  I have decided to sign-up for the walk because it has been forever since my tennis shoes hit the pavement. My goal is to run (jog) the October race. I am easing my way back into running.

Here is the link with information and registration:

I hope some of you out there will be able to make it to the race. Better, yet, bring a friend along with you!

Scout will be making the announcement for the November Race soon!

Side note: You can honor the memory of your loved one with a commemorative sign in the pumpkin patch and/or having his/her name put on your race shirt sleeve. All proceeds go to Parkview Whitley Hospice.

Scout: Official Race Mascot

"Beep, beep...come on, let's run!"
 Scout will be making all of the race announcements throughout this 12 month journey. More than likely, he will be attending most of the races. He is taking this job very seriously. He is insisting on dressing-up for every race announcement. I told him he wasn't getting paid but he barked it wasn't about the money. He is probably hoping a girlie golden might see this blog and be taken with him.