Friends (check), Tutu
(check), tennis shoes (check) Ready-Set-SNOW! Oh, no! Sadly, we did not make it
to the Tutu Race. We ended up having to “bow out “and of course we did it
gracefully in our tutus. Hopefully, next year we will make it up to the Tutu
Run in Michigan. The race director was kind enough to send us our race shirts
and tutus!
Looking forward to
doing a St. Patrick’s Day race in March!
Sarah will seize any opportunity to wear a tutu. Christmas Run? Tutu! Zombie Run? Why, a tutu is in order, of course! She is right. A tutu is just way tu tu fun! ugh. I know, I know a pun. The lowest form of humor. Way tu tu many puns on this blog. Sorry.
I love animals. I love my dog. I love my cat. I love hearing my friends talk about their furry or feathery family members. I don't think I could even trust someone who doesn't like animals. Sarah has shared many stories about Ginger the cat. Ginger is a cool cat. She is loved and she loves.
Sarah (Ginger's tutu wearing mom.)